Monday, October 30, 2023

Goodnight, and sweet screams

You've got one more chance to visit Spirits on Sproat, which will be open Halloween night for our finale one hour earlier than normal: from 6 p.m. until 11 p.m.

Alas, October is drawing to a close, and another Halloween season is preparing to fade like a vanishing ghost. Spirits on Sproat wants to thank everyone who visited our haunt this year and helped make it a memorable month. We appreciate your patronage and donations, too.

We'll be back in 2024 with more thrills, chills, frightful characters, and festive fun. Be prepared to join us then for our 20th anniversary celebration!

As a proper sendoff to spooky season, here's a parting treat: Our 2023 official Spirits on Sproat video, comprised completely of video footage posted by you, our loyal fans. Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Meet Wolfy

Avoid hairy situations in life, like running into Wolfy, our killer canine-sapien who often bites off more than he can chew. Here's the down and dirty on this lycanthrope misanthrope:
  • Little known fact: Was a late night radio DJ in the seventies
  • Favorite haunts: The foggy moors of London, Trader Vics
  • Owns stock in: Gillette, Norelco, Alpo

Monday, October 23, 2023

Nine nights left to experience Spirits on Sproat

Okay, the Halloween season is quickly winding down--but you still have nine nights left to visit Spirits on Sproat in Oak Lawn. We'll be open every night from now through Halloween (7-10 p.m. Oct. 23-26, Oct. 30; 7-11 p.m. Oct. 27, 28 & 31), so make your final plans to check out everyone's favorite Halloween house before November tolls its bell!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Meet Swampy McGee

A former denizen of the dank Everglades, Swampy McGee departed his prior cesspool recently and became a squalid squatter on our property. Ever hungry for a fresh frontal lobe or a spicy cerebellum, and desperately seeking deodorant, you can bet that this Walking Dead wannabe won't be appearing on "The Bachelorette" anytime soon. 

More vitals on Mr. McGee:

  • Also known as:  The bog zombie with particularly poor motor skills
  • Suffers from: Water on the knee, trench foot, a terrible taste in clothes, atrocious table manners
  • Nicknames: Marsh-mellow, brainiac, Bayou Lou, Swamp Thing
  • Hates: Politicians who threaten to “drain the swamp”

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Last call: We need your Spirits on Sproat videos by Oct. 24

Help! We need your videos taken at Spirits on Sproat this season. Not only will these videos be used to help us create our official 2023 SOS video, but your video could win two Fast Pass admission tickets to Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn--a $110 value and a great opportunity to experience Chicagoland's best commercial haunted attraction without having to wait in a long line!

Our video contest will end at 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 24, so you only have four more days. 

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Record video footage during your 2023 visit to Spirits on Sproat. We recommend you edit the video as needed. 
  2. Post it to our Facebook page (at or post your video to TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #spiritsonsproat
     by 11:59 p.m. October 24. (We'd also love for you to share photos taken during your visit, so post those, too.) If you have trouble posting your video on our Facebook page, post it on your own Facebook page and then copy and paste the link to your video on our Facebook page.
  3. Share your posted video on your own social media timeline/feed (if you have one). Make sure the post is public.
We'll judge the best video and award the winner with two tickets, which they can pick up from Michael Myers himself between October 26 and Halloween night.

A few tips on taking and submitting videos:
  • We prefer horizontal video over vertical video (it fills up and looks better on the screen)
  • We especially love footage of our live scarers (like Michael Myers and Jason) creeping up and scaring people.
  • Please aim for a reasonable video length; not too short (at least 30 seconds) or too long (not longer than 3 minutes) please.
  • Do not post video recorded in past years. Only post fresh video recorded this October, please.
  • We will contact the chosen winner privately via social media by October 25 to arrange pickup of the tickets. Prepare to show a valid ID when you pick up the tickets.
Good luck, and happy Halloween season!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Meet Whitemare

Wanna know your worst nightmare? It's called Whitemare, and it's ready to pop out and terrify you when you least expect it! Don't think that just because she's lurking innocuously in the corner she's not capable of turning your white blood cells black and your black hair white. This could be the most fear-inducing and malevolent monster who prowls our property. 

Eager to learn more about Whitemare? 

  • She's better known as: The white lunging banshee in our garage
  • Her secret shame: Once fell asleep during a haunting because she was three sheets to the wind
  • Whitemare's favorite pastime: Telling human stories around a campire
  • Her phobias: Washing machines, clotheslines and ironing boards

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Don't forget to visit other home haunts besides Spirits on Sproat

Your favorite Halloween house (Spirits on Sproat) isn't the only home haunt worth visiting this spooky season. Make plans to also check out other fantastic yard displays throughout Chicagoland and its suburbs. Here are several updated lists to follow:

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Meet Thrash

Nobody bangs their head in perfect unison to a hardcore beat like Thrash, the bone-rattling bass player of punk metal band The Reapers. Comprising the second half of its rocking rhythm section (with drummer Redbone Ramone beating the skins next to him), Thrash makes Flea, Geddy, Geezer, Lemmy, and Bootsy sound like amateurs. Here's what we know about this bony bassist beast:

  • Famous for: Turning it up to “11”
  • Claim to fame: Works his fingers to the bone on guitar
  • Dirty little secret: Has lots of female skeletons in his closet
  • First band: Johnny Jawbone and the Metatarsals

Friday, October 13, 2023

Meet Redbone Ramone

Make no bones about it: Redbone Ramone can keep perfect time behind his kit with no drumsticks required. All he needs is a pair of sturdy humerus bones, the chest-thumping bass of fellow musician Thrash, and the vociferous cheers of the crowd to pound home a perfectly syncopated message of metal mayhem. Ruminate on these Redbone facts:

  • Better known as the mohawked drummer of The Reapers, celebrity pitchman for My Pillow
  • Embarrasing secret: Side hustles as an Uber Eats driver
  • Nickname: Mr. T-Bone, Yondu Jr., John Boneham
  • Cause of death: Used to play drums for Spinal Tap

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Enter the 2024 Spirits on Sproat video contest

Here's another great reason to visit Spirits on Sproat this year: You can win two Fast Pass admission tickets to Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn--a $110 value and a great opportunity to experience Chicagoland's best commercial haunted attraction without having to wait in a long line!

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Record video footage during your 2024 visit to Spirits on Sproat. We recommend you edit the video as needed. 
  2. Post it to our Facebook page (at or post your video to TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #spiritsonsproat
     by 11 p.m. October 25. (We'd also love for you to share photos taken during your visit, so post those, too.) 
  3. Email us at links to your posted video(s) so we can easily find the content. Also, Share your posted video on your own social media timeline/feed (if you have one). Make sure the post is public.
We'll judge the best video and award the winner with two tickets, which they can pick up from Michael Myers himself between October 26 and Halloween night.

A few tips on taking and submitting videos:
  • We prefer horizontal video over vertical video (it fills up and looks better on the screen)
  • We especially love footage of our live scarers (like Michael Myers and Jason) creeping up and scaring people.
  • Please aim for a reasonable video length; not too short (at least 30 seconds) or too long (not longer than 3 minutes) please.
  • Do not post video recorded in past years. Only post fresh video recorded this October, please.
  • We will contact the chosen winner privately via Facebook/Messenger by October 26 to arrange pickup of the tickets. Prepare to show a valid ID when you pick up the tickets.
Good luck, and happy Halloween season!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Meet Rigger Mortus

Ever since he was knee-high to a cadaver, Rigger Mortus has always wanted to front a punk metal band. He got his wish years ago when The Reapers handed him microphone duties, and this red-robed rogue hasn't looked back since. While he tends to speak his doom-laden lyrics more than sing them, you can't deny Rigger's awesome stage presence. Bet you didn't know these tidbits about Mr. Mortus:

  • Famous for: Fronting the band The Reapers, his red robe, singing at Queen Elizabeth II’s eulogy
  • Favorite Reapers song: Viva Godda Crimson Sabbatica 
  • Secret wish: The Plaster Casters were still around so he could outdo Hendrix
  • Voted in high school: Most likely to open a funeral home

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Meet Slasher Van Hellin

Now that the Grateful Dead are long gone, where can Deadheads turn for musical entertainment? The Reapers, of course! The Reapers are a ragtag punk-metal band of skeleton musicians with an all-star axe man plucking the power chords. His name is Slasher Van Hellin, and here's the lowdown on this ace guitarist:

  • Known for: Tombstone guitar, mohawk, mausoleum breath
  • Musician idols: The Misfits, Naked Raygun, The Grateful Dead
  • Pet peeve: Crowds who yell “Freebird”
  • Favorite expressions: “Gabba gabba hey,” and “Slag off, wankers!”
  • Dirty little secret: Hasn’t showered since the 2019 reunion tour

Friday, October 6, 2023

Meet Art the Clown

There's an art to being a clown, especially when you're Art the Clown. A funny face in white greasepaint can really lower your defenses before the disemboweling commences. Intrigued? Chew on these fun facts about ol' Art:

  • Famous for: Appearing in the “Terrifier” movies
  • Secret shame: Once crashed his clown car and killed 50 passengers
  • What he’d love to tell Pennywise: Tag—you’re It!
  • Biggest climate change fear: Depletion of the Bozone layer
  • Favorite breakfast: Eggs funny side up

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Meet Mushmouth

Don't bother trying to talk to Mushmouth: You'd have better luck conversing with a rotten watermelon. Fact is, some malevolent force stitched his mouth shut, and he's quite peeved about it. Even though he can't tell you his story, here's some quick background on this "Sinister" wannabe found at Spirits on Sproat:

  • Nickname: Eight feet and brings the heat
  • Pet peeve: When people mistake him for Fat Albert’s friend
  • Secret shame: His hands can’t stop glowing since he tried to warm them in the microwave last winter
  • Favorite vacation spot: Your nightmares

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Meet Zuzu

Don't panic--it's only a satanic servant with bat wings on the prowl. Introducing Zuzu, a real lulu of a demon, who has descended upon Spirits on Sproat to cause mayhem. Curious to learn more about this monstrous minion? Check out these fun facts:

  • Also know as: Pazuzu, and George Bailey’s sick daughter in “It’s a Wonderful Life”
  • Favorite kind of music: Soul
  • Secret to staying fit: Exorcising regularly
  • Why he hates dating female demons: They’re too possessive
  • Little known fact: Eats dinner in hell every night at 6:66 p.m.


Friday, September 29, 2023

Spirits on Sproat reopens tonight

The date has finally arrived: Spirits on Sproat launches its 2023 Halloween season tonight and we hope to see you there! For our kickoff weekend, we'll be open from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. tonight and tomorrow, and then 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday night.

We've got lots of new and exciting surprises in store for visitors this year, so make plans to come out soon (remember that we get bigger crowds as October progresses) and get an early dose of that Halloween spirit.

For our full 2023 schedule, and driving directions to our yard haunt, click here.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Midnight Terror Haunted House creates customized scare experiences in 2023

At a time when other commercial haunted attractions are cutting jobs and turning to mass-produced props to save money, Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn is relying on a tried-and-true approach to satisfying its customers: Hiring more staff and putting greater personalization into its scare tactics.

In fact, Chicagoland’s favorite Halloween destination will feature over 100 costumed actors in 2023, breaking last year’s record. Plus, there will be plenty more new custom animatronics, props, masks, and costumes—all unique and created on-site by a talented squad of artists whose sole task year-round is to invent and perfect the numerous creatures and characters that populate Midnight Terror.

Haunt creator/owner Justin Cerniuk says all of these distinctive elements will combine to make this the best scare season yet for Midnight Terror.

“We’ve added more actors than ever before and specially trained them to terrify our visitors more effectively. We’re also allowing our performers greater flexibility in how and where they scare, empowering them to modify and creatively enhance their characters as they see fit so that our patrons get a more memorable fright experience,” he says. “Every new admission through Midnight Terror will be distinctive from your last visit. That’s because our actors are mixing things up this year—often rotating roles, stalking different areas, and using fresh voices, sounds, and movements. They’re working more collaboratively in teams, too.”

Cerniuk takes pride in emphasizing his haunt’s human talents, which is what brings the crowds back for more and has built Midnight Terror’s stellar reputation across Chicagoland since it opened in 2014.

“We’ve had very little turnover since last year. Most of the same actors from 2022 are back, eager and excited to scare again, and now there’s a wait list among applicants. Over 100 new people have competed this year for around 20 added positions we’ve now filled,” he adds. “The buzz around this site is intense.”

Your paid admission provides access to two uniquely themed but interconnected, maze-like haunted houses under one roof – Black Oak Grove, and the Factory of Malum. Every year, Midnight Terror’s intricate mythology and personalities expand: In 2023, the malignant overlord Malum and the wraithlike Willow encounter The Founders, an insidious subculture that covertly controls the forces of evil in this dark domain from which you must escape.

Visitors appreciate covered outdoor and indoor waiting as well as entertainment provided by a DJ and stilt walkers, photo opportunities before entering and departing, free Midnight Terror merch given away randomly on select nights, and online ticket discounts.

For example, you’ll only pay half price for general admission during opening weekend (September 29 and 30 and October 1) if you use promo code PRESS50. You can get details on other promotions and discounts by signing up for the haunt’s official email list, Nightmare Fuel, at

Ranked as one of the best haunted houses in Chicagoland by TimeOut, a top 10 haunted attraction by USA Today, a top 10 haunt by, and one of the 10 scariest haunted houses in America by, Midnight Terror has been featured numerous times on Fox 32 and comes highly recommended by Thrillist, NBC, the Chicago Tribune,, Haunted House Chicago, Illinois Haunted Houses, and others.

Midnight Terror Haunted House is located at 5520 W. 111th St., Oak Lawn, Ill., 60453, just east of the intersection of Central Avenue and 111th Street. General admission per person starts at $30 online and $35 at the onsite ticket booth; Fast Pass admission per person, which places you in a line that’s three times faster than the general admission line, is $50. Or you can purchase immediate access ($65 per person), which guarantees instant entry into the haunt.

Midnight Terror is wheelchair accessible and open, rain or shine, from:
7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays: Sept. 29 and 30, and Oct. 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, and 28
7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays and select weekdays: Oct. 1, 8, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, 30, and 31

But the season doesn’t end there: Brave a nightmare circus on November 3 and 4 (7 p.m. to 10 p.m., admission from $30), when Midnight Terror transitions to a Clown Takeover swarming with sinister red-nosed psychos. And experience Christmas Fear on December 15, 16, and 17 (7 p.m. to 10 p.m., admission from $30), an increasingly popular foray into Yuletide terror, complete with killer snowmen, savage Santas, and eerie elves.

Visitors can park for no charge on-site or take a free shuttle to Midnight Terror; the shuttle departs from 9525 Tulley Ave., Oak Lawn, regularly during hours of operation (on Oct. 6-8, 13-15, 20-22, 27-29, and 31).

For more information, check out or email

Saturday, September 2, 2023

SOS distress message: Spirits on Sproat and its monster minions return starting Sept. 29

It's that time of year again--time to start getting excited about your favorite Halloween house returning from the dead. Mark your calendars, because Spirits on Sproat in Oak Lawn opens this season on Friday, September 29!

In 2023, we'll be open (weather permitting) for 21 dates and adding many new creatures and features designed to give you nightmares, as well as all the old favorites we've put on display since 2004. And, as is true every year, we're still home to the most terrifying live Michael Myers you've ever encountered (rest assured he won't scare little ones or seniors). Our increasingly popular front and back yard haunt showcases nearly 120 characters—most being custom-made replicas of your favorite scary movie creatures and horror icons—plus several originals and numerous animatronics. Enjoy humorous museum-like signage describing each character, creepy horror movie music mixed with sound effects, live scarers, two fun "find the monster" scavenger hunt games, front window music-and-lights show, and more. 

Check out Spirits on Sproat, which was named to the Horror Tourers Hall of Fame and featured twice on Svengoolie's TV program!

For our full schedule and further details, visit See you in just a few short weeks!