If you plan to visit Spirits on Sproat soon, or have recently stopped by our haunt, we encourage you to take videos recorded during your visit and upload them to your favorite social media platform. So far, only two people have uploaded videos of their visit, and we could use a lot more to share with our followers and friends.
To make things simpler for you, we're now easing the rules of our Facebook video contest, which awards 2 VIP tickets to Midnight Terror Haunted House in Oak Lawn. Henceforth, our contest is no longer limited to Facebook video postings. You can submit your Spirits on Sproat videos to other popular social media platforms, including Tik-Tok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We simply ask you to tag your video using the hashtag #spiritsonsproat, which allows us to more easily find your posted videos. We're also extending our video posting deadline to October 28, 2021. We will review all videos posted through that date using the #spiritsonsproat hashtag, pick the best one, notify the winner, and give them 2 VIP Midnight Terror tickets (a $90 value).
Please post your recorded videos on your favorite social media platform soon so that you meet the contest deadline. Good luck, and happy Halloween season!