- Nicknames: Pound foolish, balloon goon, Wonder bread, Baldy McDonald
- Voted in high school: No. 1 class clown
- Secret shame: That’s his real nose
- Little-known fact: Banana peels instantly turn black before he slips on them
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Meet Pennywise (from the "It" movie)
What's that, you say? There are two Pennywise clowns at Spirits on Sproat? That's quite perceptive of you. Yes, you're seeing double, but that's not the alcohol talking--we really do have two different "It" clowns on display here. This one pictured is from the 2017 film (the other is from the 1990 TV miniseries). Bet you also didn't know these fun facts about our fiendish prankster: